
Jean-Frédéric Paulsen

Chairman of ISET Governing Board
Jean-Frédéric Paulsen

Paul A. Wachtel

Chairman of ISET Academic Board, Stern School of Business, New York University
Paul A. Wachtel

Jaba Samushia

Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Jaba Samushia

Randall Filer

Professor, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of NY
Randall Filer

Nika Megutnishvil

President of ISET Alumni Association
Nika Megutnishvil

Nerses Yeritsyan

CEO, Information Systems Agency of Armenia (ISAA)
Nerses Yeritsyan

George Sharvashidze

Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia
George Sharvashidze

Severin Meister

CEO of Constantia Beteiligungs AG, Vadus, Liechtenstein
Severin Meister

Anders Olofsgård

Deputy Director at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics
Anders Olofsgård

Koba Gvenetadze

Economist, Former Governor
Koba Gvenetadze

Tamar Sulukhia

ISET and ISET-PI Director
Tamriko Sulukhia

Tinatin Akhvlediani

Research Fellow, at the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS)