Tuition Fee
Georgian Citizens
Tuition Fee for the 2025-2026 academic year is 3,490 GEL
Amount you pay depends on the results of your performance at National Entrance Exams:
- If you receive 100% of the state grant (2,250 GEL), you pay 1,240 GEL in a year.
- If you receive 70% of the state grant (1,575 GEL), you pay 1,915 GEL in a year.
- If you receive 50% of the state grant (1,125 GEL), you pay 2,365 GEL in a year.
- If you receive 0% of the state grant (0 GEL), you pay 3,490 GEL in a year.
International Applicants
Tuition Fee for the 2025-2026 academic year is 3,000 USD
There is substantial reduction for students from Armenia and Azerbaijan. Namely, students’ tuition fee is reduced to USD 2, 000.